Current Marketplace (Motion Computing)

Motion Computing is an industry leader in the tablet computing marketplace. They were founded back in 2001 and have helped to develop the marketplace for tablet computing in Industrial Environments. They specialize in 8 main areas including: Healthcare, Field Service, Government, Construction, Manufacturing, Point of Sale, Hospitality, and Education.

The Texas based company has had a good relationship with the healthcare industry and has helped to develop the current tablet infrastructure and over the last decade has become the go to company for healthcare tablet options. I work for Johns Hopkins University and the use of tablets in my environments is very light. On the contrary within the Hopkins Medical Institution (JHMI) tablets have been used for many purposes. Motion computing units were seen throughout the environment when I made visits to Hopkins Medicine, and were used for not only data entry but also to interface with many different types of medical equipment.

The above examples of the screen captures from the Motion site show some of their latest creations for the healthcare environment. The C5 is a ruggedized tablet that is carried above by the healthcare worker that can use it to replace paper and pen based charts that are used for recording information. The MCW is the upright computer work station (cart) that interfaces with the C5 and other equipment.

The workflow for these two products would allow for a worker to take the tablet to a bedside, record all of the necessary vital signs and information from a particular patient and then wirelessly send that information to the EPR (electronic patient records) that are used in the healthcare environment. This digital workflow allows for more accurate patient record keeping and faster response times when performing these tasks. Historically workers had to record all this information by hand, then transcribe it to a computer via a keyboard and mouse and the hospital or other healthcare provider was responsible for keeping cabinets and cabinets full of paper for years to ensure all the records were available.

Motion also utilizes its own backend EPR systems to interface with their hardware solutions. This approach with an encompassing solution to provide the front end (hardware and software) and backend (EPR databases and servers) allows them to be a very attractive solution in healthcare.

I have used motion tablets and found them to be very reliable. My last experience was with a 3 year old unit. Personally I was concerned with how sturdy the tablets would be when used in a fast paced hospital. What would happen if they fell or were dropped or submerged in fluids? Motion answered that when they introduced ruggedized units that withstand drops and falls and are water resistant. This has allowed them to be used not only in local healthcare, but also around the world in numerous installations.

Look at this link for information about the various partnerships Motion has been able to establish with current healthcare service providers.

Motion computing products are not the only solution in the healthcare tablet marketplace, they just happen to be the current industry leader. As time moves on other partners will be able to come into the fray as well. The next entry will look in further detail at the push that local and national agencies are providing to tablet computing and other computing products in the healthcare industry.


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